ChinaShop has been working with St Peter's College since 2019 when we were asked to refresh their branding. This included the redesign of all publications including the Saints Magazine, stationery and the creation of a new lockup to represent the values of the School.

Establishing a consistent branding and messaging for their Giving Day helped St Peter's College successfully reach their fundraising goal. We also assisted the School celebrate their 175th year with a new logo and collateral including video presentation for their 175 Gala Ball Celebration.

We continue to work with St Peter's College and their Foundation reinforcing their branding across everything from print collateral and digital design to environmental graphics and signage.

St Peters College Saints Magazinedesign
St Peters College Saints editorialdesign
SPSC Prospectus Cover
SPSC Graphicdesign branding5
SPSC Graphicdesign branding4
SPSC Graphicdesign branding3
SPSC Graphicdesign branding2
SPSC Graphicdesign branding
SPSC Brochure Covers
Saints Advertising design